Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Some Crocus Before They're Gone

We have been having a heat wave and the Witch Hazels and snowdrops have burned through and pretty much finished up their bloom. The crocus are rising fast. 

It is best to go have a look before they finish a hasty bloom or get eaten by the deer.

The Great Lawn is choke full of crocus bulbs in all colors.

Today was the first full bloom at 70 degrees for a high. That is too hot for February.

The crocus were enjoying it. I did too at work today. Spring is here. It is time to get back to work. If only I felt better. I'm going back to visit the doctor tomorrow.

The Great Lawn has been thoroughly doused with red hot pepper. Damn varmints! The good news is the crocus are multiplying very well. It seems as long as the flowers get pollinated, they can get eaten and the seed pods still develop below ground before coming up when they are ready for dispersal.

I saw lots of crocus today.

1 comment:

beverly said...

I've been away for awhile and sorry to hear you are sick. Sinus can hang on. I too have been caught short by the very early spring; frantically trying to clear things away from the emerging bulbs and sprouting perennials. This climate thing is getting pretty scary.....