Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Aroma

The morning air of late has been just right for the putrid stench of Voodoo to emanate from the parking lot and infuse the garden. That aroma has been starting off my day. The sweet smell of 'Lemon Drop' azalea is no more.

The meadows are popping with all kinds of flowers, far more than I can show. The chicory is still going strong.

Purple Coneflowers and Black-Eyed-Susan are opening abundantly to summer bloom.

The hill side of Gooseneck Loosestrife does its thing.

Spikes of purple liatris are all over the meadows. I am surrounded by flowers in a garden lurking with all manner of wild things. I do believe it was a bear that opened the door and got inside my truck last week. The muddy paw prints were quite large. Voodoo.


RobinL said...

I’ve always loved the view of gooseneck loosestrife, but it’s so invasive here. I’m glad you have a hillside full to enjoy!

beverly said...

Wow, I hadn't seen the loosestrife before! Looks like you have it in the perfect place. I did grow it once in a dry place which slowed it considerably. I wonder if the bear thought the voodoo smell was yummy rotting meat?!!

Barbara H. said...

I haven't had the pleasure of smelling voodoo and I'm happy about that. I'm glad your plantings are showing off for you. That's always rewarding when it happens.