Friday, May 28, 2010

They Follow Me Home

Get rid of it she said. It's crowding my iris. One large clump of a white striped Miscanthus cultivar has turned into four starts (so far) and followed me home. That was yesterday. Today three rooted stem cuttings followed me home. Two rhododendrons and Doublefile Viburnum. The rhododendrons had fallen over in the Big Dump of '09' and I tried , but they were not going to be staked back up. They got hacked back to the main trunks to regrow a new center of gravity. The tiny baby viburnum was just there looking fetching right on the edge of the path next to the ten foot tall and eight foot around mother shrub.

Getting plants up here and planting them is no problem at all. I have not even mentioned all the plants accidentally purchased for personal use on my frequent visits to nurseries for clients. Protecting them from the Lush is another matter. That requires regular patrols. More so now when the Lush is growing at an alarming rate.

Little dwarf azaleas that I have been cleaning around for the last several years are actually blooming and looking good. Their poor performance had previously been blamed on not liking the climatic conditions. I think more light and fresh air generated by some elbow room has done them a world of good.

This is worth sacrificing a few of the millions of Blue Wood asters.

Some elbow room gives other plants a chance to shine as well.

If the wild in the wild cultivated garden had its way completely the forest floor might comprise a dozen main species of plants.

Most gardeners are not noted for their restraint when it comes to plants. More is always good. The result is a species diversity magnified ten fold from native, naturalized and plants in the horticultural trade.

Plants follow me home to find a place in the ground and I still wonder if a civilized garden up here is ever a real possibility.


Siria said...

Hi Christopher! The kitties, dogs and plants all follow you home. :)
Your garden is looking great!

Lola said...

Isn't it amazing how plants follow you home. Sometimes they literally jump into my basket. I try to argue with them but to no avail.
It's all looking mighty good, Christopher.

Jean Campbell said...

A constant adventure, really.

Anonymous said...

So, Chris, what exactly has managed to return at your place?
Sallysmom said...

Any chance that you'd consider a consultation visit to Franklin, NC? Hoping to plan and develop a wild cultivated garden.

chuck b. said...

Restraint? What's that? I'm always telling myself the garden will become more civilized when it matures. It's not going to work that way?

Christopher C. NC said...

Don't forget the cows Siria. I have cows too.

I know the feeling Lola. I don't go in the main entrance at Lowes now. I go through the nursery to see what has arrived and looks good before they let them dry out.

Nell Jean I could spend every bit of my time in this wild cultivated garden alone and never be bored.

Sallysmom it would be easier and quicker to tell you what has NOT come back in my new garden to be. My success rate is very good from choosing the right plants, putting them in the right place and proper planting at the get go. Let's see, failures, a fancy coreopsis, a delphinium, one of two dozen babtisia, a couple of penstemon, one of five aesculus rooted stem cuttings. That's what comes to mind at the moment.

Hi Suz. Yes I would consider a consultation visit to Franklin. You can e-mail me direct at the name of the blog at

Chuck, no I do not think it is going to work that way for you. You have done an amazing thing creating a wild cultivated garden from a blank slate.