Saturday, August 21, 2010

Change Is Afoot

Steam gives way to a cooler lingering mist.

Recurring over several days.

The Lush is at peak.

For just a while longer.


chuck b. said...

Lol. This is what San Francisco looks like almost every day right now.

These pictures could have been taken in Golden Gate Park, including the St. Francis statue. He's our namesake after all.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

We got our first rain in August yesterday. 3/4". It was wonderful. These misty mornings are a norm around here. Great photos.

Christopher C. NC said...

Chuck I can see how non-stop fog could make a person cranky. Why don't we see more pictures of it other than the big fog bank on the hill in the ditance?

Hard to believe it has been that long a wait for rain Lisa. We have been getting all kinds of wet from down south. Misty morns are the norm down below and I often drive into it when I go to work.

Jeff Branch said...

Cool photos. The color of the gold hostas is excellent.

Christopher C. NC said...

Jeff I think the gold/yellow hosta show up best in our shaded forest, better than many of the white striped ones and of course much better than plain green.