Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Giant Joe Pye

It's the biggest one I have ever seen.

I need to stop calling it the Joe Pye WEED. It could be that moniker that has required some sweet talking in order to save it twice now from removal. "It has great butterfly attracting flowers." "Look at the drama of that thing."

"Ok. It can stay." Whew! That was close.

Next time they ask me what it is I'll say it is a rare native Eutrochium. People pay good money for them at the nursery. You have the biggest Eutrochium I have ever seen.

If it ever has to go, I'm digging it up and bringing it home.


Mel said...

My Joe Pye Weed is insane. It loves an old cow pasture in the midwest. My neighbor gave it to me, because it was too big for her garden. It's my favorite butterfly plant, and it amazes me with its growth every year.

I like the seating in your photo. Very nice.

Barry said...

Eutrochium = U Trophy-um
And that goes in the botany book as the best illustration, too.

Sallysmom said...

Absolutely you should bring it home.