Monday, May 4, 2009

This Old Wall

Far up a mountain holler, past the apple orchards and into the first leg of the climb up the mountain, long hidden by the forest rests a piece of history.

Work gives me the opportunity to explore new roads and to see new things from long ago.

Somebody's grandfather built this wall, when he was a younger man I would imagine.

This old wall at Client #5's.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Wow, now there is some inspiration for you.

lola said...

Magnificent. If that old wall could talk. The tales it could share. If only a person was a mind to it could be restored to it's glory. I love it.
Thanks, Christopher.

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of some of the old rock walls I saw in Hawaii. Built so long ago it's hard to imagine the intensive labor it took. Maybe this is why there weren't any treadmills back then. Lovely photos!

Frances said...

Hi Christopher, I am thrilled to see the numerals of clients climbing. What a spotlessly clean wall, no weeds or vines attempting a takeover? I envy your exploration of the ancient mountain and the meeting of its inhabitants.

Anonymous said...

Wow, is this wall at a location where it could be incorporated into client 5's garden? What an opportunity that would be.
This is a revelation; I am only used to these kinds of walls in New England.


Siria said...

WOW ... what a beautiful place. That wall is incredible! I am happy to see that you continue to add clients to your list. You are on a roll!

chuck b. said...

A treasure.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Hi Christopher! I love rocks and stone. Just looking at these pictures make me feel happy. Thanks!