Friday, May 11, 2012

Walking At The End Of Light

The few deciduous azaleas that escaped the double freezes have produced some bloom.

There is a near daily inspection to see what will be happening next while the rhododendron bloom. Only wet weather will stop a walk through the garden.

The kitties often follow along or leap ahead.

All that may be left of the rhododendron by next weekend is photographic evidence and memories of an ornery spring.

Even in  bad year there is much to see.


Lola said...

Yes, there is always something to see. The late strolls seem to be very rewarding.
Dug my first potato planting yesterday. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Even if the rhodies are gone, there will be plenty more to see and I will bet many ooh and ahhs. I am very late with my vegetable garden and hope to have most of it done tomorrow. When I went down to start setting my rows, I was surprised with ripe blueberries. Just beginning, but enough for a surprise dessert for my husband tonight. They are two weeks to a month early. I also saw a pretty blue wildflower. Not like yours though. I will have to get my book and identify it as I really like it.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

The dogs must be gone since the kitties are happy to be out and about. Everything looks beautiful.