Friday, November 29, 2013

Poking Through The Snow

There hasn't been much incentive to go outside.

But when I do I see things like the wispy bloom spikes of Flattened Oat Grass, Danthonia compressa, waving above the snow. I also saw deer tracks crossing the garden becoming and what I hope were fox tracks at the top of the drive and directly around my truck. I prefer fox over coyote.

A baby Bosnian Pine is growing taller. Slowly. Maybe next year it will leap.

The spine tipped colored rays of Yucca filamentosa poke through the snow and remind me that the growing winter interest garden is still there. It gets more visible with each meadow crushing snow.

This is my down time. I wait for many more crushing snows before the chop and drop of the meadow's last  remnants begin. I wait because when I watch, the receding remains of a once Lush meadow is filled with birds harvesting a bounty of seeds poking through the snow.


Lola said...

Lots to see yet. Feeding the birds is nice too. I like to see things poking thru.
What would be your favorite color besides green?

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola at this time of year, green is my favorite color.