Monday, July 13, 2015

Russian Sage

Perovskia atriplicifolia has refused to grow in my garden.


Rebecca said...

I'm confused. This is NOT your garden?
I have a small patch of it that is SO magnificent. Especially when paired with the common orange day lily growing next to it...

Christopher C. NC said...

Rebecca this is in a client's garden.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Can't imagine why they won't grow in your garden. I have one that has been with me for years.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa my best guess is they need absolute full sun and couldn't deal with the competition and side shading from the Lush.

Carol McKenzie said...

I think you're right about full sun. I have tried several times to grow this in different areas. Back in Wisconsin, it seemed to tolerate some shade. Here in Kentucky, it has died each and every time. And each time was an area that got some shade. After three years, I'm still having a difficult time getting my head around how differently plants act down here. I'm mourning the loss of many of my bearded iris, which have succumbed to bacterial rot, something I never had up north.

Christopher C. NC said...

Carol I have seen that rot on the bearded iris. Most seem to grow faster than they rot. I'm still trying to get my head around how different plants behave in my wild garden compared to the tidy gardens I tend for clients.