Friday, March 11, 2016

Crocus In The Grass

I have enough functioning brain cells left to be coming to the conclusion that certain bulbs like crocus and daffodils are not as tough and reliable as I was led to believe. They still get high marks, but they are not fool proof.

I have planted thousands of bulbs at the Posh Estate. Some have disappeared never to return. Others have thinned instead of multiplied. This is beyond bulb eating varmints. Varmints don't eat poisonous daffodils.

I think the culprit is soil that stays wet most of the year on a north facing slope and a bit too much shade even in the barren time.

There should be a whole lot more daffodils in the grass than I am seeing. A north facing slope does slow the ground warming. Perhaps more will come up. Maybe I just need to take the time to look closer.

What this means of course is I just need to plant a couple thousand bulbs every fall. Problem solved.

But spring arrived with the flip of a switch and I went right to work spreading mulch. I have a long way to go and need more mulch delivered just to finish the koi pond/greenhouse section. The cutting garden is done.

I'll need to remind myself to take a slow observational stroll.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

The posh is coming around.

Lola said...

Looking good my friend. Sorry about the bulbs.