Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mega Chop

I thought the rain I heard in the night sounded a bit crispy. I woke up to sunshine, a layer of ice and thirty two degrees. The plan was still for a day of warm and chop and drop in the sunny utility meadow. I just needed to wait for the ice to melt.

I started the slope along the driveway and below the roadside vegetable garden yesterday. That was not the plan for today, though I chopped the lower edge while heading into the meadow.

The 'Diane's are now in full bloom. Warmish does that.

There are hundreds of snowdrops blooming in the ridge top garden. I went to have a look at the end of the day to see how much chop and drop needs to be done over there. It will be a bit easier this year since a herd of cows went through the garden and ate a bunch of it last fall. Easier yes, it's still another acre and a half of chopping.

Everything you see here and a bit more was chopped down today. Another four hours of work and three quarters of an acre at least is done. I made a lot of progress in two days. Weathers depending, I should have it all done by the end of next weekend.

Then the Bulbapaloozathon can begin. Of course winter can still happen too.

It's almost over for another year. Good to the last chop. Soon it will rise fresh from the earth once again.