Friday, September 8, 2017

Three Days To Impact

Irma looks no better today than yesterday. An ever so slight change in the direction of wrath is still wrath and it is still headed towards me.

My plan is to get as much planted and mulched on the slope next to the Almighty Falls before she arrives. No sense in letting all that water go to waste.

Word from the congested highways is that a group of refugees is on its way. They could get about forty eight hours of perky before Irma arrives. Then it will get ugly.

Yes we have tomatoes, buckets and buckets of them. Other fine produce is also available. I also have a completely different batch of mystery melons in the dung pile this year.

What were my squash up to last year?

This one is pumpkin shaped and colored like a gourd from last year.

This is closer to last year's gourd. Though it looks like it got busy with the yellow squash.

A Butternut offspring?

This one is a good eighteen inches long and looks to weigh about five pounds or more. Green, warty, stripes, where did it come from?

Is this a zucorn squash? I can send the refugees out to the dung pile to keep them entertained.

Nice they will get here while the Tall Flower Meadow is still perky. They will be encouraged to get out there now. Yes now! There will be plenty time to sit around very shortly.

That is why I got out there now! Three days to impact, then it could all be over. The meadow will bloom on no matter. The color is just shown to better advantage when it is upright and perky and not squashed into a half flat tangled hairball of stems.

It has been a very good bloom year. I have hopes that Irma will have lost all its fury by the time it arrives and the meadow will remain standing for the asters.

That would make me most happy after being confined with refugees for an indeterminate number of days.

We will have fine produce to eat and enough tomatoes to make a person sick. Blue potatoes anyone?

I will walk in the Tall Flower Meadow every day until then.

Because my garden is amazing.

Lest you think otherwise from the pictures, yes it is quite easy to pass through.

The Chinese Rhubarb in the big yellow pot that gets the most sun has grown quite well. The one in more shade not so much. The idea was a matching set. Will removing that limb on the maple tree solve this little problem? Or do I need a whole new solution?

High on the low spot we wait.

Enjoying what may be the last perky of the year. Please not.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

It is good that you have the opportunity to enjoy your meadow before the big blow and rain.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I am keeping my hopes up that it will be low on wind and below torrential in rain. It is going to be wet for sure. This morning they have it stalling on Nashville by Thursday.

Jan O said...

It will be nice for the refugees to see. And thanks for sharing, it truly is amazing. :-)

Rebecca said...

I think you'll be fine!
And should Irma show up there, you have these lovely photos to remind you of this beautiful season.
Stay perky!