Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Feral Vegetable Garden

There was a roadside vegetable garden in there.

Low on energy and enthusiasm, it got away from me.

This could happen to your vegetable garden too if you let it.

But in a wild cultivated garden full of wild and gone wild flowers, the invaders are not all bad.

They can even stop traffic. I get more visitors while working in the roadside vegetable garden than any other place in the gardens along the scenic byway.

I took a day off and played in there today. Mid-June it is not too late to get some things planted in the vegetable garden. Mid-June is probably even a better planting time at my elevation for a good number of things.

There is some open space left and it isn't difficult to make more. Weeds and feral vegetables pull easy in my dung enriched soil.

But the roadside vegetable garden will be on light detail this year. The freezers are still full of fine produce.

The leeks have been returning for ten years running.

I planted tomato and pepper right before the monsoon. The tomatoes grew major leggy. I am considering pulling them and starting over they look so sad and skinny. The peppers are fine. I have lettuce to eat.

She was a bit shocked when I told her they were parsnips.

Yes, parsnips. She stopped to admire the parsnips.

In a feral roadside vegetable garden.

Full of blooming weeds.

I take my responsibility to be scenic seriously.


Sallysmom said...


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I like the way you left a pull off. People need that to pull over to gawk. Love the parsnips. They make beautiful blooms.

Christopher C. NC said...

It is pretty Sallysmom.

Lisa I am lucky to have a rare straight section of frontage with the notion of shoulders on the scenic byway, but it is quite normal for people to just pull off the road into my driveway.