Sunday, March 10, 2019

Outside In The Warm

Today was the first sunny day without rain, in would you believe, a full four day stretch of no rain ahead. Lord it is wet out there. Houses and highways are sliding down hill. There is water drama all over the place.

Niwaki - The 'Gold Mop' chamaecyparis got their second training session of cloud pruning. I'm going all Pearl Fryar on them. This is going to take a while.

Today was aiming for 70 degrees. It's good to have backup for those days when it is 10 and all in bloom is lost.

Back to spring again.

How long will it last? I'd also like to place an order for more dry and less water.

The early ones of ten thousand daffodils spread over three acres of wild cultivated gardens took a significant hit. The first flush of bloom will be stunted.

It's always something. Good to have plenty kind plants for backup. The show will go on.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

The same is happening here but no 70 degree days here yet. I can hardly wait for them though. Pearl would be proud of you.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

P.S. I like the way the clouds are floating above the mountains. Or will you trim away at the skirt too?

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I am undecided on the bottom skirt. I left in in case of emergency should my niwaki training fail and it had to be returned to a roundish gold mop. I can make them a clear trunk tree form. I also had a wild idea of trimming the skirt into a pot shape for potted niwaki. Time will tell.