Saturday, July 6, 2019

Meditation On Turd Blossom Lake

The explosion of Turd Blossom Lake was pumped out.

The waters stilled and the vents were covered.

Five sacks of pea gravel freshened the turbulence.

That's what I did for the week of the 4th of July, cleaned out the turd box.

On the 5th day an objet found me for the second time and followed me home.

The waves from that explosion have washed over life's collectibles. I detect movement ahead.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What do you have growing there in those starter pots?? You knew I would want to know.
Your turd box covering system seems to be working out for you.
I like your last finding.

Christopher C. NC said...

I kept meaning to mention my plant growing project and never got around to it. The two main crops are an Angel Wing Begonia I have been propagating and sending out to the universe and Vinca minor 'Illumination' for the Wedding Cake Garden. I bought it as plugs for the quantity, potted it up a size, grew it out more and acclimated it before planting it out in the garden.
That was a very no fuss way to get the septic tank pumped.
Very nice objet.