Wednesday, July 31, 2019

One More Thing To Mow

In high summer a full mow job of the wild cultivated garden's mile of pathways, roadside edge, the Great Lawn and extraneous areas for a complete civilizing tidy is not something I want to do in one sitting. That is too much vibration for one day. The different gardens are distinct enough in their own right that they can be mowed one section at a time.

I've been out with the weed whacker when time and weather permits. My garden is last on the list. It might happen this weekend. I've been busy.

On day three of Bulbarella's new knee all is well. Quite good really. She has had minimal pain and is already mobile and practicing her physical therapy while we wait for one to actually show up. I'm just the assistant gofer in all this, but it does take time.

I won't be whacking my weed flowers when I do get around to it of course, but a civilizing mow job has amazing effects.

Then there is the shed calling me. Hale Mini is ready for a door and siding. I've decided to go the simple easy route and get some 4x8 sheets of manufactured siding made to look like 'Knotty Barn Board'. Maybe I can slip that in this weekend too.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Good to hear B is doing well.
Definitely get your mowing done. You will feel so accomplished.
I think your decision about the cladding of Hale Mini is the best.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I am thrilled that mom is doing so well. I have enough on my plate without getting overly fancy with the shed. The tile floor will be overkill enough and that is just because I have the tile.