Friday, August 23, 2019

A Short Walk To Angelica

It is becoming normal for my entire walking apparatus to be slightly achy and wore out when I get home at the end of the day. Sitting still is getting easier for me.

But I do know regular human interruption during prime dining hours helps keep the varmints away. So I get up and walk anyway.

And many things need to be seen during that perfect window of opportunity when they are at full display.

Now is the time for Angelica and it is having a very good year.

The permanent scenery is always changing with the seasons.

I stopped to pick some beans and okra. I have achieved a small side dish of okra and have a big mess of beans. I lost my chef. That makes things more complicated.

We finally got some needed rain after a short, two week or so, dry spell. It came in a big bang of lightning and thunder over several rounds.

So far, end of season Tall Flower Meadow floppage is minimal. So far. Normal and minimal floppage can still close off the paths. To keep them open they must be walked, clipped and mowed.

It is becoming normal for my entire walking apparatus to be slightly achy and wore out when I get home at the end of the day. Sitting still is getting easier for me.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

It sounds to me like you should cut back on your work. Part time. Or maybe you are just having a bad day. Your garden looks so lush. Those darned varmints are a bother. It sounds like you were a bit spoiled when your chef was there. That is a good thing.