Thursday, October 10, 2019

Before It Comes To An End

Peak aster petered out with the drought. This close to potential freeze time is pretty much the usual schedule of things though.

But the show isn't over just yet.

There are still plenty asters about.

The blue is fading.

The dead dried brown will soon be joined by the opposite of blue on the color wheel.

The flowers are fading.

Turning to seed to spread on the wind.

The roadside vegetable garden had a pretty good year coming back from its neglected feral state and enduring several random acts of pestilence. It always makes more food than I have the chef for. The remaining okra will be harvested for seed. The remaining green tomatoes are at the mercy of the weather.

All these years later, the Sheffie Mum let loose in the wild keeps returning.

Not yet. The forest will turn. There will come a day of autumn perfection. The time of vegetation will come to an end.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I love the way those asters peek out from around those big leaves. Are those big leaves gunnera or some other large leaved plant?

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa those big leaves belong to Darmera peltata, a west coast, probably mountain native.