Thursday, August 13, 2020

Fine Produce Has Arrived

Let's walk up to the roadside shall we.

What can one say about my roadside plantings? There is a lot going on.

Inside a wall of wild the fine produce can be found.

The okra is forming flower buds and there are beets big enough to eat. We should probably eat them. A good number of winter squashes have set

The hail late tomato department is setting fruit.

The carrots have big tops. Dill replaced parsnips in bloom.

Up by the roadside there is fine produce for the cozy cabin below.

We still need a chef. The gardener is lazy.

One big sack of sweet banana peppers was picked. Lots of those will be frozen. More cucumbers, yellow squash and Golden Gate Romano pole beans were harvested. We have been eating them.
There will be more fine produce of some kind at some point as the season moves along. I have already been asked when the tomatoes would be ready. The salt shaker has been cleaned and filled. She's ready.