Tuesday, August 2, 2022

In A Wet Meadow Blooming

Then the rains stopped. It actually did not rain today and not much the last two days. It takes a while for the Tall Flower Meadow to dry out. Actual sunshine today helped.

I was out walking in wet meadows this weekend where Joe Pye is coming into bloom and liatris is sprinkled generously throughout.

Two flats of Leucothoe or Dog Hobble cuttings happened this weekend. If I am lucky, they will be rooted and ready to plant this fall. I'm not sure how I could over winter them in trays. This is my first real attempt at propagating larger quantities of shrubs since moving here. On Maui it was easy. I grew and sold tons of plants. There were perfect greenhouse conditions year-round.

Rudbeckia fulgida roams the gardens at will. It is becoming clear after all this time which wildflowers enjoy life the most, high on the low spot of a North Carolina mountain top.

There is a big paper wasp nest above the front porch roof. They got ornery after a torrential down pour one day so I doused the nest with a full can of spray. Still there. Still active. That is bear bait.

It's August. The time of Joe Pye.


beverly said...

Dang, how did they survive a whole can of spray?? Scary thought! I once had them make a small nest in a cavity of one of my wicker chairs on the front porch. Came out one day and joggled the chair and they roared out and stung me. Now I keep a can of spray on the porch at all times......

Christopher C. NC said...

Beverly I could not believe that wasp nest survived either. I drowned the thing. At least they have calmed down.