Saturday, November 5, 2022

When Da Bones Come Out

The barren time is here.

The ground is now buried in a thick forest canopy of leaves.

I have had some time to go play in my own garden. Small chores long noticed were finally being tended to. The two largest Doghobble at the bottom of the garden got a haircut to bring them more into scale with the younger and smaller plants in the hedge row.

I could see in the quickly fading Lush, the bones of the Under Garden of winter peeking out. That started the process of brushing all the leaves and meadow remnants off of the conifers and evergreens. A new garden will soon be born.

And I found a new bone I have been wanting, Picea abies 'Pusch'. It is a dwarf, spreading, green colored spruce that produces lots of red cones. The dwarf spruce cultivars have had the least troubles with winter at my elevation.

I planted the Georgia aster, still in bloom, and the new baby spruce 'Pusch' this afternoon right before a much needed rain began to fall. Tomorrow I may play in my own garden some more. Da bones are coming out.


beverly said...

Looking forward to seeing the winter garden; it is getting some heft by now! And still love that Georgia aster; I corralled mine early with an iron tuteur-sort of thing this year and it isn't so floppy.

Christopher C. NC said...

I am looking forward to this year's reveal of the winter garden too Beverly. There have been some changes. I pretty much lost three out of five of the Barton's Cypress to winter kill last year. That does not bode well for the long term of the bits still living. They need replacing and I want that columnar shape. I bought some 'Black Dragon' Cryptomeria and changed my mind since winter protection was highly recommended. I planted six more Cephalotaxus harringtonia, the new spruce and started the extension of the Leucothoe into the forest. The reveal will help determine where I need some filler. Good thing I am patient with this very slow growing process.

beverly said...

What zone are you up on that mountain? 6?

Christopher C. NC said...

A very crotchety zone 6 above the 3500' winter weather snow line.

RobinL said...

I’m not really a big fan of the barren time. If it’s going to be barren, I’d like some snow!