The entry for Gardening Gone Wild's photo contest is the second picture "Into The Wilderness - Back Home." Thankyou so much to everyone who cast a vote, even the wishy washy ones where I had to decipher the intent.
I can't make up my mind. The theme for Gardening Gone Wild's Picture This Photo Contest this month is "The End Of The Line." For the last two weeks that line has been running through my head. To put an end to my indecision I am leaving it up to you dear readers to cast a vote for the photo most likely to win me a magnificent Amaryllis Charasima in a Talavera pot from David Salman at High Country Gardens.
Leave a comment to cast your vote. The day before the deadline of 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday, November 22nd the single photo entry allowed for the contest will be identified to the judge this month, Joshua McCullough, the creator of the botanical PhytoPhoto.

The Edge Of Winter

Into The Wilderness - Back Home

No Crossing

The Last Stop of Chicago Spring Fling - Garfield Park Conservatory on the Green Line
Well, artistry is not my forte, but after reading the judge's explanation of what he wants, I think your photo "into the wilderness - back home" best signifies both the literal and symbolic use of ends and lines. The lines of the road, poles and (?) grasses, along with the "end" signified by the wheat color of the grass and the bare trees of the foothills. Now over to those with much more talent than I....
Good luck!
I like your third photo best, Christopher, with that energetic diagonal line and tonal blocks of color like an abstract work of art. Whichever you choose, good luck in the contest!
I too go along with "into the wilderness--back home". But my heart strings go with the first pic.
Good Luck, you have some great choices.
Into the wilderness - back home is the most interesting to me. I like the light, the road draws you into the photo, back home.
I vote for "into the wilderness, back home" It just calls you to want to follow the road...
The current front runner makes it very obvious to me why your input is so valuable.
Third pic! But all your photos are great.
The Last Stop of Chicago is the most visually striking, but I agree with the other readers that Into the Wilderness draws you in. It is the picture that I want to spend the most time with. I'd like to be there.
okay i know i am different but i love, love, love the first photo...
the edge of winter.
i love the feeling it immediately evokes.
the judging is so subjective i think it should be your personal favourite that you can stand behind but believe you me i had a hard time deciding on my entry.
all of your shots are great.
happy autumn.
I'm with Marmee, the first photo, "The Edge of Winter" is my favorite, although I love the other photos too. Good luck!
Christopher, all these selections are great. I too think that "into the wilderness - back home" meets the criteria the best, although my favorite picture is "the edge of winter". Good luck!
As to what will win I do not know, but I like Edge of Winter.
So far we have:
Into the Wilderness - Back Home .. 6
Edge of Winter .. 3
No crossing .. 2
It's a good thing I decided to add the front runner photo at the last minute. Voting is still open though.
Hi Christopher, I have to say that trying to read the mind of the judge's intent has proven impossible. I like the first shot, but that doesn't mean that it is the best entry. All of them are winners. Coming from the mother of four, I always find it difficult to choose favorites. :-)
Hey Chris, The composition of the second photo is beautiful, So I would vote for that one which seems to be the winner so far. Great Minds and all that. Your photographic style really compilments your new surroundings. I especially like your horizon shots. Good luck with the competition...
ps.. the 170 year old cabin I am restoring is completely log framed but currently sports stucco as a skin. It was reinvented around 1910 to look like an Arts and Crafts bungalow, complete with brick porch and a Sears catalog front doors, but the house is layed out wrong. The earliest records date back to 1840, but before that no records were kept in that region. First settlers came in 1822 so probably it was built in the 1830's. It is in amazing shape and has only been in the hands of 2 families its entire history...
I love all the photos & yes maybe the 3rd photo has met the criteria the best with the diagonal line. But I put my vote in for the 'Edge of Winter'. What a beautiful, dreamy photo. It looks like a painting.
Hiya Chris,
All I can say is: I'm glad I'm not a judge. Such a difficult job.
In typically waffly fashion, I have to say that the first one is my favorite photo. It's dreamy & atmospheric. However, I think Into the Wilderness Back Home fits the theme of the contest better and is visually arresting, although I also like No Crossing for the theme.
I find that I ask the opinion of everybody in the house, then ignore what they say & go with my gut. I hope you can make a decision.
Christopher, I love your Edge of Winter!
I like the first photo best too. Even though the road draws you in in the second, I love the airy atmospheric feel of this one.
The first photo is gorgeous, definitely my favorite. But I agree that "into the wilderness" is the best photo that fits the theme of the contest. Good luck!
I like No Crossing the best.
Whew, I like them all but I'm thinking 'into the wilderness' meets the criteria best. But frankly, any of those photos could win!
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