My Hughes satellite ISP has been in an ornery mood, not wanting to load photos to Blogger for a week now. That throws things off. The coming fury of wind and rain is not likely to help matters. I go about my regular incremental construction progress, work and random chores and it is a relieving distraction from ongoing computer aggravation.
Seeing beautiful scenery is most helpful for orienting the mind to the proper perspective. When I go to town, this is where I go, the little town of Waynesville.

This is the gubmint building in Waynesville. I've been in there to get my passport card for a drive through Canada to Buffalo, NY.

A little further from town, in Crabtree valley, there are other sights of interest.

Back home from running errands, the brand new Yellie Mum from Fairegarden, Tennessee was extracted from its well done temporary pot and planted on the grounds of Ku'ulei 'Aina.

I planted three groups of the Yellie Mums in the newly available flower beds on both sides of the service entrance to the cozy cabin. In the Fall when I pull in to park I will be greeted with a cheerful welcome home. I could probably add some of the Sheffie Mum to the mix for even more cheerfulness. Best check the color combo first.

This is Fall from the back stoop of the cozy cabin.

Inside, a bathroom is actually beginning to take shape. The side panel for the utility closet is in and the vanity cabinet was moved close to its final position.

There is still a long list of processes for the bathroom before completion of course, but you can already tell it has that desired flow in the design elements.

Today the vanity cabinet had a few extra holes drilled for water lines and drainage and was placed into its final position. Then I just had to put the glass sink on top to have a look. All I can say is this picture does it no justice. It just looks white, which it is, but it is glass and you really have to see it to get the proper effect.

Outside more wine bottles, generously donated by Frances and the Financier were added to the edging for the new bed. It is so nice of all of you to drink up for me. I'm thinking I will just add the wine bottles as the arrive. When they completely edge the bed, I can step back for a look and see if rearranging them by size, color or what have you will make it even better. Or if I need to make an extra trip to the recycle center.

It has been blustery all day ahead of the big wind a comin'. Fall is getting literally blown away as I type.

No worries. It is already quite cozy inside the cabin and there is plenty yet to keep me busy inside for most of the winter as I plug away at one more process headed towards completion.