Monday, November 15, 2010

No Bloom Day For You

By the time I got home from work is was rainy and darkish. I wasn't about to wander around searching for remnant blooms on a cold wet mountain in mid November despite having seen some mums in full bloom down in the sunny utility meadow just yesterday. There will be no Bloom Day for you unless you go visit the lovely Miss Carol at May Dreams.

It was even too cold and rainy to plant the two Redbud trees, Cercis unknown parentage, that fell out of the ground at work today. I let them grow all year and have waited for them to go dormant before causing enough of a disturbance nearby to make them fall out of the ground. I'm itching to plant in my newly thinned garden to be. I have also located two small dogwoods in the ridge top garden in dire need of relocation.

Computers were switched when the resident gardeners fled the premises for the winter. My newly fixed computer is so much better and faster than the one used all summer. In bringing it back to life I set the screen saver to a google picture slide show. Wonder what that will be? Turns out it is mostly Maui. If I wander away from the computer when I get back my old life is floating across the screen. It makes me smile to see my old garden.

So have a smile for Bloom Day.

 I think I will be needing a new head for the new garden.


Siria said...

The blooms you shared from your prior garden are incredible! Makes me smile too! Thanks. :)

Christopher C. NC said...

Siria that is just the tiniest sampling of blooms in my former garden, many of which you could grow in S. Florida.

Anonymous said...

Very nice blooms from your former garden. I bet you do miss it.

Dreamybee said...

Beautiful! Love those African tulip blooms!

Wally said...

Beautiful photos. I love the huge yellow close-up.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

This is a really nice post Christopher. I could feel your excitement at the thought of planting in your new area. I enjoyed the night shots and then the big smile at the end.