Monday, June 24, 2013

Clear Water

Finally, after two months of potions and plants, the babbling brook and rubber lined pond has clear water again. The algae bloom is gone.

I can see the stones in the bottom of the babbling brook.

I see can see all the goldfish and the water lily pot in the bottom of the pond. I am hoping the pond will get even clearer.

I imagine it is all the plants combined, a suggestion not to over feed the fish and time that did the trick. It really started to clear when I added the submerged plant anacharis though. I know they are down there. I just can't quite see them yet against the black bottom of the rubber lined pond.

The Water Poppies, Hydrocleys nymphoides, that I borrowed from another client's pond have grown and multiplied quite well. I also put some of them in the other much larger water fall and pond on the property. I have never mentioned the other pond have I?

In that pond the leaves of the Water Poppy are twice as big and the surface coverage is pretty dense. The other pond has huge koi and is chock full of nutrients for plants to grow big and fast. It also had a major algae bloom this spring.

I put some of the anacharis in the upper pond of the other koi pond. It has two ponds, upper and lower. The algae bloom is gone, but the water is still murky grey with silt. Now there is talk of me cleaning the much bigger and much dirtier koi pond. I've never done that before. I've never built and planted a babbling brook with rubber lined pond before either.

I think the clients are liking this freshly clear water and want to have the other koi pond as clear as the babbling brook.


Lola said...

Looking good. Like the frog in the last pic. You can do it.

Christopher C. NC said...

Yea I figure I can muck my way through cleaning the bigger koi pond, Lola. I watched a guy clean another client's pond and have been asking questions.

Sallysmom said...

Just something else to add to your resume.

David - Pinewood Cottage said...

be careful moving things from one pond to another - if there was a problem you might mess up your water or fish. I had that happen to me.

Christopher C. NC said...

Sallysmom, last thing I need is more work from an enhanced resume.

Don't tell me that David. I have already brought in plants from two different ponds in other client's gardens. So far so good. Your submerged plant advice seems to have done the trick in clearing the water.

David - Pinewood Cottage said...

Just be careful