Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Get Orchids

When I weed.

I have found two populations of the Green Fringed Orchid, Platanthera lacera, in my weeding now.

It is discoveries like these that make me cringe just a little when I have to bite the bullet and go for wholesale slaughter.

But it is my weeding that allows the smaller things to grow, safe from the overshadowing thugs.

Between adding and subtracting, the species diversity has increased substantially. The thugs are great in power, but few in kind. Removing them has allowed things like the orchids to appear.

If I should find something new or unusual coming up in a path or in the Great lawn it can easily be moved to a safer location. In the eight foot tall tangle it was before, there was no way of knowing what else might be hiding in there.


Lola said...

Fantastic find. Love orchids. Oh boy, a place to sit & watch that glorious fire. Sure miss my fire pit. Sat by it every night unless it rained sooooo hard.

beverly said...

Love that bench! It changes the whole complexion of the place!

Lisa at Greenbow said... Nice. Bonfire. Fun.

Gaia Gardener: said...

Finding the orchids was a great coup. I like weeding also - I become much more aware of what's going on in my garden when I'm down at ground level like that. I've found some interesting insects, spiders, and even occasional vertebrates sharing our yard with us, because of my weeding habit.