Sunday, March 9, 2014

Always Progress

Right now it looks like a beat up old pallet. No wonder. It was made entirely from scrap laying in various piles of collectables. As ever, this leans towards a no budget garden. I was lucky to have the two full length posts still in mint condition.

A nice paint job of the Molera Vaquero Red will fix the beat up old pallet look just fine. Next weekend that might get done. Much, much better and the Coral Honeysuckle vine has a new home worthy of such a nice plant. Can't see no rubbish back there either.

The new cinder block raised bed turned out green. It is a green used in the house's deck trim and door. We have flow. I didn't think I was going to have enough Waterloo blue and didn't want to end up having to buy more. This is a real no budget project.

Now I have my fingers crossed that a large beautiful glazed ceramic pot at my favorite local independent nursery didn't survive the winter and needs to be tossed, A pretty cracked pot would be so much nicer than those sad plastic things.

Spring is gaining momentum. The snowdrops have had enough sunny blooming days that they will begin to fade away soon.

The daffodils are poking up from the leaf litter in ever greater numbers. We could be seeing the first blooms in another two weeks if spring like weather keeps happening in between snows. Yep, there is snow in the diagnosis for Thursday.

Six years and nine months of steady incremental progress and the wild cultivated gardens are over the hump of being organized enough to suit me.

I'll keep at it.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Keep on keeping on. You are getting there.

Lola said...

I loose track of time. I didn't realize it had been that long. It seems as tho all gets done in time. We just keep on going. There is always something to do.

beverly said...

Hard to believe you have been there almost 7 years! Lordy how time does fly when we are doing what we love. Grow plants grow!

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa just think what another six years and nine months will accomplish.

Lola it is amazing I have been here this long now. There sure is always something that needs doing.

Bev I've done my part and the baby shrubberies need to do theirs now, Grow!

Heaven Scent said...

Hi Christopher! WOW....can't believe it's been almost 7 years too! Love Love Love all your projects! I'll have to come by and see it in person soon.