Monday, March 16, 2015

One Rubber Liner

Is now in Twin Falls pond with heavy rocks on top to prevent it from floating on the spring water beneath that I could never get rid of.

Actually, the old liner from the previous slightly smaller pond is in the bottom with a cushioning fabric on top of that and the new bigger pond liner over that. I figured the extra weight and water barrier couldn't hurt.

The sump pump is in and ready to go. This is for the overflow that is going to happen with my partially captured spring fed pond. Within 48 hours I will know if my overflow is set at the right level to maintain the water level I want for the main skimmer and pump for the twin falls.

Dear St. Frances of the Falls. Please let this first test of the pond's function be a success. I know you can't wait to see birds and fish and greenery and other creatures about.

That black tub at St. Frances' feet is a filter fall. It is not a spittoon.

Here is a better look at one. The water line is plumbed in at the bottom. The water then passes through two types of filters before spilling over the lip into the fall.

Between the main skimmer, the overflow box and the two filter falls, the water will get cleaned in four places. Add in pond plants and I will have nice clear clean water.

There is a whole lot more to do. The real pump needs to be plumbed. The liner needs to be glued and attached and the opening cut for the main skimmer. Return lines and electric cords have to be buried. Both fall runs need to be rebuilt and rubber lined. Then a whole lot of rock arranging has to happen to hide some ugly black plastic liner.

The water that has already collected in the bottom of the new liner is about three hours worth of the slow trickle of the spring. Tomorrow afternoon I expect it to be close to full.

But enough with the pond scum. There are crocus in bloom. Spring is coming on fierce.

Crocus, crocus, everywhere.

And when I came home this afternoon the very first daffodil was starting to open. The Bulbapaloozathon has begun.

My new crocus ring is looking good.

I don't always know what the left overs Bulbarella gives me are. I can generally discern species. Name and color are a mystery.

This apparently was a crocus mix. I have counted four colors so far.

Then I mixed those with some species tulip bulbs for an even longer ring of blooming bulbs. You can see those on the bottom left.

Spring is coming on fierce. Too fierce.  Seventy degrees of fierce in March mind you. I am happy to see the diagnosis is showing a cool down by mid week.


Unknown said...

The Twin Falls project is fascinating! Could it become a feature on the Master Gardener's Tour in a year or two?

Christopher C. NC said...

Dana that is a real possibility. The Lady of the House had her other garden next door on the tour last year.