Thursday, January 17, 2008

Creating A Scene

What's out there?

Yes it was alive.


Frances, said...

What a shock, scrolling down snow scenes to find that fellow! What is it?

Christopher C. NC said...

It's just some kind spider for Chuck B. at My Back 40(feet) cause I know he likes spiders.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

I really like the piled rocks with the snow. Is that a permanent feature or just material for your fab wall? (If not permanent, I'd make it so.)

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I was intrigued by the steps. All of the photos were very scenic.

Christopher C. NC said...

MMcD the piled rocks are the backside of my blogger icon pic. They have been stacked there since my arrival last June, but they are ephemeral I am afraid. They fall regularly at the minutest of whims and one day I hope to have a fine gate at the entry. The stacked stones mark one future stone post.

Lisa the steps lead down to a meditation garden, a tiny deck with a bench facing a small pond at the base of a huge natural moss and lichen covered boulder.

Carol Michel said...

Remember late last fall when you got some 'frozen precipitation' and wondered if it was snow? Well, what you photographed for this post... that's snow! It does change the scene quite a bit.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Hmmmmmm no wonder I was drawn to this. I like quiet places with mossy boulders. :)

chuck b. said...

I continue to be very concerned about ghosts, apparitions, headless horsemen, etc. when I visit Outside Clyde. And now undead spiders that seem to thrive in extreme cold.

Annie in Austin said...

Maybe Chuck saw Blair Witch project too many times?

The stacked rocks look beautiful in the snow, and just a little defiant against the wooded background.
