Sunday, August 14, 2011

On Top Of Angelica

All covered with bees
In the sunny utility meadow
Now with a cool breeze

A golden ligularia
Blooms in late summer too
Down in the meadow
With a cool breeze

There is a new love now
The zinnia's charms have grown so on me
I might just like them better
Than those sunflower hogs

What do you think?
The roadside vegetable garden filled with zinnias

Down in the meadow
Now with a cool breeze
On top of angelica
Are slow moving bees


Lola said...

Poor little bees trying to get the last of that sweet nectar to hold them over till they sleep. For they do know it's coming......the colder time of the yr.
More rain today. Bush beans coming up. Need to get tomato plants in the ground. Need to do a lot of things.
I think the zinnias would be a good change. They don't need very much care.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

The bees look quite content on the Angelica. I don't know about them but I am enjoying that cool breeze. Zinnias are colorful and as you say they aren't quite the real estate hogs that Sunflowers are. Give it a go see how you like them. There are so many different types of zinnias. Large to small. Colors galore. They would be a fun change.

Siria said...

The zinnias are lovely but I adore those gorgeous sunflowers. Can the sunflowers be moved to the other side of the driveway or some other spot? They're just so beautiful I hate to see them go.

Anonymous said...

Love the zinnia idea; they'd be shorter and different colors (if you like that sort of thing) Maybe you'd like the sunflowers next to the cabin where you already put that one!

Wow, I am already imagining the photos next year..... !


Benjamin Vogt said...

I remember that tune a bit differently. Something about a bazooka and a teacher's demise.

Les said...

The angelica looks like a head of purple broccoli. Maybe you should put that in your roadside vegetable garden.

Fairegarden said...

Yes to the zinnias!