Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Welcome To Wamboldtopia

My readers and I have been to Wamboldtopia many times over the last couple of years. There was something special about watching the reaction of my fellow garden bloggers from across the country and Canada seeing it for the first time though. Enchanted, inspired, gobsmacked, mystified. There is only one Wamboldtopia. Damaris and Ricki Pierce, graciously and with open hearts welcomed us to the ongoing creation of the personal utopia they call home.

Speaking mason to mason, the Rock Pirate, Ricki Pierce and Frank Hyman of the Liberated Gardener. There was mention of some upcoming rock conference in Asheville I think. It didn't quite sink in.

Even the not yet used collectibles get artfully stacked.

And when the artist Damaris Pierce and the stone mason collaborate something special happens.

The gardens meld with the stone in a natural embrace creating a sense of timelessness. Sculptures dot the landscape in small vignettes.

Flowing water, gold fish, reflecting the massive oaks and the sky above.

The plants in the garden are as artfully and intentionally placed as all the other sculptural elements.

Resting. Is that really a picture on my camera? Did I see that for real?

This is my personal favorite piece in the garden. Every time I see it, she pulls me in, my mind radiates out.

I believe I have met this woman before in another setting. But here you see the house that was next to the house that it has become.

Welcome to Wamboldtopia.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I could have lingered there all day. I was gobsmacked by the masonry. I just wanted to look at it brick by stone by the elements. I plum forgot to look at the plants I was so distracted. I need to go back there to look at the plants.

Skeeter said...

Thank you so much for taking us to this wonderful Garden Christopher! The stone work was amazing as were the art, the blooms and just plum everything about it! Yes, even the unused items seem to be works of art! Those two are such wonderful and welcoming people to allow so many to wander around at will in their awesome paradise...

Lola said...

That could take all day to see most of it. Wonderful. I like the masonry work.