Friday, September 7, 2012

I Had Nothing To Do With It

Sort of.

I did not plant any of the Ageratina altissima, the White Snakeroot that is blooming in profusion all over the garden becoming. I don't recall there being this much of it before. I also thought it was supposed to bloom last month, but looking at the blog in years past the Snakeroot is on schedule. What do I know?

I do know I told the septic system man no grass seed on my drain field. I want to see what will come up on its own. I also know I have been editing out the elderberry in much of the area where the Ageratina is. That came up in thickets on top of my drain field. Maybe without all that tall rank elderberry I am just seeing the Snakeroot that was always there. But what do I know?

It could be too that the Snakeroot is multiplying with more light and more elbow room. I have also ripped out large swaths of the six foot tall New England Aster.

I do know that the wild things in the garden becoming have not been the same from year to year. Whatever it is that I am doing, it is causing a reaction. A reaction with results that I do not control.


Lola said...

Whatever you are doing or not sure has made a difference. Like the white snake root with the grass. Isn't nature grand. She gives us a different show every yr.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

You can never really control nature. You can just fool yourself into believing you are controlling nature until you take a nap.