Friday, June 6, 2014

The Roadside Vegetable Garden Is Full

Every row is taken. There is no more room in the field. Every year I contemplate taking over the east end which is only a so so patch of weeds and wild flowers. We don't really need more produce. I just enjoy growing it.

My half hearted attempt to alter the roadside strip of wild flowers has resulted in a near pure stand of goldenrod. That is what I was trying to get rid of first. I think I'm going to need to get vicious and start over from scratch. A brown strip of death will be involved, but that can wait for another day.

There is a full row of potatoes that are AWOL under that dill. Another half row of the same potato is also missing. I may go digging for a look see pretty soon to find out what is happening under there. Until then that row is occupied.

I planted the squash and cucumbers I had seeded in 4" pots and seeded a half row of parsnips. Then there was no more room and I had plants left over. A gardener can never let a good plant go to waste.

Or maybe they can. I have four large piles of waste that were not going to be moved any time soon. So I weeded them and planted some of my extra vegetables right in my piles of composting dung. An unknown squash had already come up in one pile.

Why not? Those piles of manure were certainly producing a bountiful crop of weeds. So I commandeered them directly into vegetable production instead of dragging the dung up the hill to expand the vegetable garden.

And I still have some squash plants left over and a row of ungerminated cucumbers. I suppose having a little backup can't hurt.


Sallysmom said...

Or pot them on to larger pots and use them as decorative plants.

beverly said...

Excellent idea and good use of labor/time.