Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It Ain't Over

Til the last aster turns blue.

The bloom in the Tall Flower Meadow continues to build. Peak bloom is still about two to three weeks away. Barring any unfortunate crushing circumstances, the wild flower magic will continue well into the first signs of fall. Then the forest will take center stage.

How much aster will I get? Will they bloom while the color in the earlier arrivals still holds? When it all overlaps, it is truly a sight to behold.

What is that tree? This was the most asked about plant on the open garden day. It is Seven Son Flower, Heptacodium miconioides. It has grown very well for me and the bloom is getting consistently better. I don't have as much luck with the showy drupes that follow since it gets cold too soon.

It fell sixty feet out of a tree very unleaf like. I went to investigate. That's because it is a big hairy caterpillar.

Much like the tropical rain forests, there is an entirely other world of living beings in the tree tops above me. Some I hear. Sometimes I see things. For the most part it is all over my head.

What is this hairy thing? Not that I can or plan or care to do anything about it.

I'm more interested in blue asters.

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