Thursday, April 6, 2017

Post Rain Pre-Snow

The dramatic shifts in the weather is giving me whiplash.

One day it is pure sunny and seventy.

The next is full of lightning, thunder and rain.

Then it is back to warm and sunny.

Followed by dung soaking rains that make potatoes rise.

Green is sweeping over the still sleeping Tall Flower Meadow no matter. The Mayapples are on the march.

But now it has begun to snow.

There was trouble at first, but it has begun to stick as the winter weather intensifies. Who will win out in the night, warm ground or cold snow?


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Brrrrrrrrrrr. We are to have some of this tonight. I hope it doesn't last long. It isn't predicted to last long. Go away winter.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lisa I have this feeling it isn't quite over yet. Another big storm is on the Pacific coast.