Sunday, January 26, 2020


Sometimes Button's slap is a full on body slam with claws extended. He and Solly got into a scrap the other night. I had to go down to the bottom of the garden in the dark to rescue her.

At least Button held off on the full body slam until Solly's cat self had fully reanimated. He got three nice puncture wounds in his nose and cheek for his efforts. Dummy.

Solly's reanimation to cat moved quickly to the wild side of things. That had to have helped keep her alive all those months she was living out there alone. She spent the entire day after the scrap in the tall meadow below the garden hunting. Her hiding/playing dead skills are very well developed and her color blends beautifully with the leaf litter this time of year.

She has been keeping her distance from Button and her cozy rabbit hutch on the front porch ever since. Button is four times her size.

Pride. It is a tricky thing to overcome.

It's starting to rain/snow again. Poor Solly is out there alone in the cold and dark. The other three porkers are lounging comfortably inside. I feel confident she has a couple other well hidden nests out there. The wild reservoir of cat has not been comforted out of her just yet.

She will probably enjoy moving next door with Miss Dinah in the spring. It's further away from Button.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Poor Solly. And they say dogs are territorial.