Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Wind Is Evil

The temperature kept falling after the sun came up. That was not a good sign. It was already cold.

Round about noon it went back above freezing. The sun was out and the witch hazels were beaming up from the garden. I can see them very well from the front porch now. They have been growing.

The camera can't see them from there. The sun was out, clear blue skies. I could go for a garden note taking walk with a few more layers added on. Then the wind blew. It was evil. The walk was cancelled.

Solly Kitty has had several supervised warm indoor naps with minimal raised fur. She still prefers her rabbit hutch on the front porch over living in all the other inhabitant's den. She is eager to get back outside when it is time. It hasn't gotten cold enough in her little nest to come inside. It got another blanket this evening.

The witch hazels beamed up from the garden on a blue sky sun shiny day. They drew me in for a short cold spell. The walk was still cancelled. The wind is evil.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I agree about the wind being evil. I am hating the fact that these high cold winds are the new normal. I think about the things I could be doing outside but the wind keeps me indoors more so than the temps. Ugh
I am glad that Solly is making herself at home. She will find her way.