Sunday, March 8, 2020

Crocus Afternoon

I like having my daylight at the end of the day.

Daylight is pretty nice period. Much nicer than cold wet slop.

I get one more day of light.

Then a couple days of wet slop, warm wet slop at least.

The warm will put a jolt of growth into all the different kind bulbs.

Today was a nice crocus afternoon.

Button came out. Solly did not. Solly is showing clear signs she wants to be an indoor cat. Maybe the arrival of the daffodils will encourage her to come out.

How did this solstice kitty come to be?

I might enjoy this round of warm wet slop. By the time it arrives I will have moved six full pallets of mulch across the side of a mountain. I will be stopping by the chiropractor in the morning to schedule some hip realignment sessions. My days as a pack mule are coming to an end.

1 comment:

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your crocus go well with your shed color. Nice photo.
We all come to that time of life where we have to be more selective of what we do and don't do.