Saturday, August 8, 2020

New Loft Windows

It is amazing how the weeds seem to disappear and my urge to edit subsides after a good mowing.

It makes for a nice stroll.

Through the basement patio.

A platform

For viewing the Tall Flower Meadow.


I wander deeper in.

Where the Under Garden hides in the summer.

The deer came to ponder their freshly mowed salad bar.
Tough. The maintenance gardener has needs.
Downy Skullcap has started to bloom.
In August the Tall Flower Meadow begins to stir with bloom.
I have trouble getting clear images in the shade of the forest.
The light has to be just right to overcome my vibration.
So it goes.
I got my first photo on the new Critter Cam. Creatures of the night.

The second loft window was removed and reinstalled. I have matching eye liner now. It put up a fight. Lots of glue. My cutting wire kept snapping. The reinstall went smoothly. The design flaw has been corrected. Let there be dry, for the rot to end and the bugs in the ceiling to move on.

Next up is the interior finish sills and trim. What really needs to happen is a fresh coat of paint.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Are you painting inside or out? If inside you have a chance to change your colors. I always think that is fun. Your garden looks so nice now. The picture looks like an opossom to me. We had one in our garden this past week.

Christopher C. NC said...

Outside. The interior paint is still fresh and I like the colors. The outside is dirty, mossy and peeling on porch and stair railings. I waffle between a raccoon and a possom. Both are regular front porch visitors.

C. C. said...

Speaking of vibration, did you feel the quake there?