Saturday, September 5, 2020

In The Belly Of The Beast

The tall flower meadows are head high.

The feel of things changes when the lawn is blooming and over your head.

This time of year you need a stick.

The spider webs are out in force.

I walk through spiders.

It's the story of my life.

One thing for certain can be said about me, my life has been lived outside, in countless gardens.

I have been a working gardener for thirty three years. There was a long apprenticeship before that.

And it has come to this.  Where I will remain outside, in tall flower meadows head high.


Phillip Oliver said...

So beautiful and calming - thank you!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

A wonderful place to be...outside.

Christopher C. NC said...

Phillip and Lisa, in between traffic on the byway, in the quiet, I can hear the the forest clearly. All the birds are talking. The hummingbirds chatter a lot flying over the meadow. This time of year the crickets and katydids are singing. That pulsation of life moving through me is a physical feeling of calm.