Sunday, July 4, 2021

On The 4th Of July

It has been a surprisingly quiet 4th of July along the scenic byway. Lights on.

Lights off.

The Lush is head high.

I can wander the gardens for hours mostly looking, doing little. A pluck here. A pluck there. It is time to stand back and let it happen. And that is for most everything to bloom in its time. I just watch and enjoy.

I mow the paths and Great Lawn every few weeks. That is the main summer chore of the garden. But I can wander for hours. A pluck here. A pluck there. Putt putt.

I might hover a bit over the roadside vegetable garden where the squash have started to really grow. It is the sole mulched and weeded flower bed on the mountain.

Even it is still a bit feral. Verbena bonariensis is allowed to live where the vegetables grow.

Tomatoes have set fruit.

Black beans are bushing out and setting buds. Peppers have pollinated.

A few leaning parsnips in bloom were pulled.

The sad cucumber department is looking perkier. I'm becoming to think cucumbers are a need hot item too. Okra and carrot rows were thinned.

The digger seems to have moved on thank you and the roadside vegetable garden is looking mighty fine. So far. We need more hot and a recent rain brought down right cool.

I wander in ever more flowers.

With 'Haas Halo' Hydrangea arborescens.

Into meadows head high

On chicory mornings

And firefly nights.

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