Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Out Wandering

It could be I get more done than I realize just from wandering through the gardens on a regular basis. It feels like I'm just looking, doing nothing and watching it all happen by this time of year. Compared to work kind work, my garden is a breeze.

I have been doing things of course. Like planting new things in the meadows. I may have accidentally ordered some Kirengeshoma palmata and a minimum order required two Sanquisorba officinalis 'Crimson Queen' to fall in the cart.

The selected planting locations were cleared in anticipation of their arrival. Ready to insert a new plant.

I want more bold foliage, more plants to grow wild.

Did I mention the Verbena stricta I bought at Bullington Gardens or the near purple Culver's Root, Veronicastrum virginicum, I found at my favorite nursery. Those got planted in the meadows.

The fragrance in the air on these humid evenings can fill your lungs. At times it can be dizzy making, the sensual power it has.

I wander and watch it all just happen.

The paths in the sunny utility meadow were mowed last weekend.

On Sunday I will mow in the ridge top garden.

My lawns are getting fuzzy, but they are also going into bloom - again. They can be mowed on another day.

The Stinging Nettle is spreading. How far should I let it go? It is the current in vogue herbal tea. Supposed to be good for what ails you. In my decrepitude perhaps.

In my walk today I saw someone stop to photograph the flowers along the byway. I think that is a compliment.

There are even more inside.

The Gooseneck Loosestrife is in full bloom.

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