Thursday, September 15, 2022


It is Bloom Day in the tall flower meadow and September has some of the best bloom of the year. Shall we wander out for a look?

I contemplated taking a bunch of flower closeups to show the huge variety of plants that bloom at the end of summer, but it seemed like too much work. The vibration of Monet lurks in the lower light of shortening days. Crisp closeups are hard to capture.

One flower doesn't say quite the same thing as a huge drift of Joe Pye anyway. The colors and textures of the big picture come alive in the lower light of a mountain's shadow.

Dusk is such a fine time to stroll the gardens with the meadow in full bloom.

Except for the blue asters. Another massive, end of season bloom is yet to come.

There are drifts of White Snakeroot and White Wood Aster across the entire mountain top. Several species of Goldenrod are in bloom.

The shiny berries of Spikenard.

Miss Dinah joined me. She feels safer that way. I have seen a coyote twice this month. Miss Collar is not allowed out unobserved. Collar can't run anymore. Or hear.

The Tall Flower Meadow is in high bloom. There are always even more flowers to be found at Bloom Day Headquarters.

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