Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Daffodils In The Forest

The daffodils are at peak bloom. In a normal year that would happen closer to April 1st.

This is not going to be a normal year.

I wait for the flat light of a cloudy day to go for a walk in Bulbarella's garden next door. The early warm pushing them to full bloom has been nice. The full sunshine of cloudless days is bad for picture taking in the light and shadow that causes in a forest filled with daffodils. The sun may go out tomorrow.


C. C. said...

I'm concerned about the summer will bring and how long it will last! But I'm enjoying the early color in the garden. One of these years I'll work on planting many more bulbs. Your blooms are gorgeous. Are you feeling better?

Christopher C. NC said...

CC, last summer was so wacky the roadside vegetable garden had a pitiful harvest. I hope things are better this year. I need even heat. Big swings between hot and cold are bad.