This winter which has not even officially begun is being decidedly more weatherlicious then last year. It is good for ending droughts. Not so good for getting outdoor construction type things done. Last year at this time I had already finished an entire dry stacked stone wall and had begun the excavation for the second one. I don't think I am getting out as much as I was last year.
Last week though before I returned the rented scaffolding, I crawled back up on the roof and painted the trim around the loft windows. This week while waiting for three dollar parts and a framing and rough electric inspection that was missed I have been priming and painting the fascia trim boards before the porch's metal roofs go on.

The loft window's trim was painted the same blue that the doors will be instead of the Crafted White, a very pale yellow, the main trim color.

I wanted to accentuate the eye affect. A little blue eyeshadow should make those windows pop.
The first coat of the Crafted White is on the front porch trim boards. The cozy cabin will look more spiffy for the inspection that better happen tomorrow.
I was thinking of painting the baluster on the porch blue like the front door and the railings the Crafted White trim color. Now I am thinking I may need a touch of red in there? I need lips. That could give the cabin even more personality. My own subliminal neighborhood crime watch.
Did I mention I have been more cooped up this year than last?

Down in the stream to fetch unfrozen water, looking back at the cabin shows a whole new view. The roof floats through the forest like a great ship at sea. One day there may be a small 10x10 tea house on this slope heading down to the stream, a shady place to set and listen to a babbling brook. The common high pitched roof design of tea houses would fit in fine with this view.

The stream itself affords opportunities for some interesting garden design in the future. Nature is in the midst of its own redesign at the moment. The dominant tree species sweeping over and around this ridge and along the stream bed is the dying Hemlocks. Many have fallen. More are soon to follow.

Actually quite a number of other species of trees have recently fallen over in this natural wet seep in the mountains flank. The roots let go of the mountain and the trees laid down. I don't really know why. Was it from the drying out of the drought? Is this a natural progression of age? Is this just how it is in the head waters of a stream? There hasn't been any indication to me that it has been unusually windy. That fact that there are trees standing at all in this often howling wind is a testament to their strength.
But where there is soon to be more sunlight there is opportunity. Nature and I will have a chance at collaboration.
What a gorgeous spot, and I love the look of your cabin!
Boy, that eye shadow sure did the trick. No mistaking that you have those unusual great looking windows in the loft area. I tend to agree a little lipstick would sure make it pop.
Hello Christopher!
I hope today went better than last week and that you have your inspection in hand. I love the upper windows with blue trim. That eyeshadow is a gorgeous color of blue. I too agree that a little "lipstick" would look fabulous! I cannot believe all that snow....keep warm.
Oh yes, lipstick is needed, and red is perfect. I love the blue around the windows, the tea house idea, and just know there are dormant tree seeds that will spring to life with the new warmth of the sun. How fun to see what they will be, and assist in your own way too. I do think it has been so windy that the roots just let go after being exposed to so much wet. Weirder than normal weather for sure. After a serious drought the first year we moved to NE TN from So Cal, trees just started falling over, it was scary, but there were plenty of young ones to grow happily and take the place of the fallen ones. Plenty of firewood too.
Hi Christopher! Your cabin looks amazing- cozy, inviting, and cute! You've done a great job. I just wanted to say thank you for sending the link to Ashvegas' post on C.A.R.P. It's a great idea for locals to send out the word. If you or your parents are in town don't hesitate to swing by the shop. Do you have a favorite flavor? -Ashley
I hope you ladies aren't just leading me on, encouraging me to put lipstick on my balusters, cause I'll do it. There is no sense in waiting until the last minute to get eccentric.
You are very welcome Mashley. I'll get to the Hop one of these days. I do know where it is now. Chocolate is a must have ingredient.
Yes, when I read "eyeshadow and lipsitck" I figured you were getting a bad case of stir crazy. Red is defiinitely inviting. It sounds like your cabin is female. What is her name?
Christopher, yes, the blue on the windows is perfect. Good call there.
Reading about dying hemlocks made me sad. We had a sick little Hemlock here when we bought this house 5 years ago. The top was dead and it was infested with wooly adelgid. I've been doctoring it and babying it and it seems to be bouncing back. This year it had cones. But the beautiful, big old hemlocks around here are dying, too. I can't treat them all, unfortunately. They are so beautiful and stately, and I hate to lose them. Do yours have adelgid, too?
Yes Lisa, as the cabin kept gaining a personality, I thought it would need a name. Being female did not appeal to me, even though it seems to have a certain predilection. Perhaps it will be named Izzy Hall or Izzard Hall.
Kim, the adelgid has wreaked havoc on the Hemlocks all through the Smoky Mountains, killing many ancient trees in the national park as well as whole forests of them all over.
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