Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tree Trunk


Anonymous said...

Cool...I find tree trunks make wonderul photo ops. Very rugged with lots of charactre. Two bad deep fissures don't look nearly as cool in a human face, lol! Kim

Anonymous said...

A lot of character. You can almost read what the tree is telling you.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

That is some kind of lichen on that tree trunk isn't it? I couldn't decide if it was heavy frost or lichen. I am voting lichen. It has that grizzled look.

Christopher C. NC said...

Inadvertant, I can live with a few deep fissures on my face, but did they have to be there? Couldn't thay have shown up off to the side just a bit?

Lola and Lisa the lichen on the tree trunks really shines now. It is twenty feet up in most of the larger trees.

lisa said...

Do the lichens seem to overtake the trees and make them look sickly? They do on some conifers around here...unless it's some other entity that looks similar....I dunno. (Heh, clearly! ;-)