Monday, March 24, 2014

Down Where The Daffodils Bloom

Spring comes a bit earlier down there in the valleys. They may not even get much snow when it gets us tomorrow. Yes, winter is coming back for another visit. The suggested high is 38 and the suggested snowfall is one to three inches.

Down there in the valleys where the daffodils are blooming it could just be a cold misty rain with the notion of snow as a side dish. We shall see. Whatever happens I will be safe at home. Nothing in the diagnosis suggests it will be above my minimum operating temperature of 40 degrees.

I saw daffodils and I came home with a sack of Celandine Poppies, Stylophorum diphyllum.  I transplanted fifteen baby hellebores and a bunch of the poppies at the Posh Estate to a new area. There were more than enough poppies to bring some home. They are generous self sowers.

I introduced this native woodland wild flower to the ridge top garden two years ago. There is a healthy reproducing colony in that garden now. Only one or two made it into the garden becoming. I corrected that problem today.

Spring is still a bit hit or miss at the moment, but that has not stopped me from gardening. If the ground ain't froze I can dig a hole and plant things and in the last few weeks I have planted, divided and transplanted a whole list of things. This is actually a pretty good time for such garden chores.

I wonder what I might find at the next nursery, er garden, I go to. I know a mum that has my name on it on Friday.


Lola said...

My daffodils are about finished. So is the snowdrops. Just a few left blooming. Colder out now. Guess we are getting the cold spell again.

Carol McKenzie said...

Do you know the name of the wildflower in the plastic bag? I think there's something like that in my wilderness, but I don't remember seeing any flowers. This is only my second year in Kentucky, so I'm still learning all the things that grow in this area.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola our daffodils are still in the thinking about blooming stage.

Hi Carol. That is a sack of the native Celandine Poppy. You can read about them at the link on the post. They are early bloomers in April before the trees fully leaf out with bright yellow flowers. They have a distinctive leaf and yellow sap you'll see if you break off a leaf.