I'd love to be a tick on a hound dog just so I could hear what they're saying about the guy up on top of the mountain.

There is this tug of war between being more restrained and trying to blend into bland and going all out. Pearl Fryar wouldn't be who he is with just a couple of topiaries. You're seldom wowed by half measures. I want wow.
More likely I am suffering from self consciousness and delusions of grandeur. I'm a long way off from matching the likes of Lotusland. A man can dream though.
The new short dry stack retaining wall is half way to completion. I even got lucky and found a stash of rocks nearby that I had forgotten about.

The rose flowered lichen rock was placed into the glass bottle edging. I faced the lichen in the same general NE direction that it was pointing where I found it. You never know what slight little detail can promote or hinder a life form like this.

That is 34 feet of new wall. It really amounts to an extension of the two retaining walls that created the basement patio. Mercy, I have moved a lot of rocks.

I might not be quite over the top into wow territory yet.

But I have plenty more rocks. I'll keep working at it.
Take it from me you can always use rocks to capture people's imagination. Hope your lichen likes its new spot. Sometimes they spread sometimes they disappear, but they are so neat!
I am wowed.
Love those rocks. Wish I had more here.
That first pic is so enjoyable to see. Will the lower edge of walk have a rock wall as well? That would be super.
Hunters are bothersome. It is getting to the point they should know you are there & obtain? from causing you harm.
Hope the lichen stays. It is pretty.
Mine left when brought here from their environment.
Becky the rocks have certainly captured my imagination. The lichen is a little less sheltered in this new spot. We shall see.
Thanks Frances, but I still have much gardening to do.
Not too many rocks in Florida Lola. No plans for any wall on the lower side of the path. I think the hunters are well aware of my presence. I've returned two different hound dogs to their owners without making a stink. That should put me in their good graces.
I'm WOWed too! Your wall looks spectgacular!!!
Another lovely bit of writing and an elegant piece of rock art. Wish I were younger and closer so I could sign up as an apprentice to help you achieve your dream. Any possibility there’s a strong high school kid in the area who could go out to gather heavy rocks and move them up to where you’re arranging them?
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