A house on a hill. A 4000 foot high hill. There is really only one way a house in these hills can't have a background of more hills. It's at the very top. I bet they have a view.

I may not have my own view, but by the time I get home I have seen more views in one day than most will see all year. And I have scenery.
Gosh, those wires really set you off. I live in a suburb. An old suburb that has plenty of wires to irritate one. I have learned to ignore them. I hope you do too. There is so much more to see than wires.
Christopher, I have two poles and wires that show up in almost all my photos~They push my buttons! Scenery and views! I can't wait to see them all in May 2012!
I have those nasty wires too. Seems a person can't get away from them. I think they should all be underground.
Yes the wires bug me. I can't help it. But if I didn't have all those wires there would be no sunny utility meadow. The wires still bug me though.
Hi Christopher...you have beauty all around you! The "view" at the Ingles parking lot is one of the best around, however, not much beauty there. I would take your beautiful surroundings any day!
Not posting much lately as I have computer problems! Viruses have derailed me for the moment! Ugh!!!
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