Yes I have more trees I am willing to part with to keep my neighbor warm through the winter. Another round of tree clearing along the drive, behind the cozy cabin and around the parking area is in the works. Funny how that can happen in a forest. I want a tidy forest of healthy trees with a little more space between them. My neighbor is fairly obsessed with collecting wood to burn. It works out great for both of us.

There have been three sunny, well above freezing days in a row and the little bit of snow from Tuesday still hasn't finished melting. I have this ominous feeling there is long period of snow pack in my future.
That means we better get busy before the snow piles up.

There are other things I really should take care of before things get buried. It is beyond time to disappear more of the construction left overs. Time for Freecycle or Craig's List.

Chores, chores, chores. So many chores and not enough daylight, time or enthusiasm. Eventually. It sure would be nice to have an assistant who I could just say to, take care of that would you.
Yes, wood is a marvelous commodity in the mtns. More so in the winter. Healthy trees are most important. Sadly ours {too many} were dying from the inside. Had them cut down to save the home. Hope the weather holds off till the cutting is done.
It is great to have an assistant that you can pawn off chores you don't want to tackle. Plus if the chores don't get finished you can always say "the assistant" didn't do them. It's a rough job but someone has to do it. :)
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